This one-hour course, where participants completing the class are considered “Gatekeepers”, teaches how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, how to offer hope, and how to get help and save a life. Participants will feel confident, once trained, to implement/assist with:

  • Early recognition of suicide warning signs. The sooner warning signs are detected, and help sought, the better the outcome of a suicide crisis will be.

  • Early QPR. Asking someone about the presence of suicidal thoughts and feelings opens up a conversation that may lead to a referral for help.

  • Early intervention and referral. Referral to local resources or calling 1-800-SUICIDE for evaluation and possible referral is critical, as most people thinking about suicide are suffering from an undiagnosed and/or untreated mental illness or substance abuse disorder for which excellent treatments exist. Also, the offering of hope and social support can often avert a suicide attempt.

  • Early professional assessment and treatment. As with any illness, early detection and treatment results in better outcomes and fewer lives lost to suicide.

To schedule a one-hour QPR session for your business/organization/school, contact Together For Jackson County Kids (