Real Talks: Conversations about substance use make an impact

Substance use in Wisconsin continues to be a serious issue. It’s a crisis that touches all of us - affecting our families, communities, and workplaces. Yet many of us don’t talk about it. It’s understandable. Knowing what to say isn’t easy. Stigma, stereotypes, and feelings like embarrassment and fear can make it hard to open up about substance use. But you don’t have to do it alone. Real Talks Wisconsin can help.

Real Talks Wisconsin is an effort of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Wisconsin Department of Justice. The program provides Wisconsinites with the information they need to keep themselves, their families, and their communities healthy and safe. It promotes conversations on substance use because having open conversations helps build supportive communities where prevention works, treatment is available, and recovery can happen for everyone.

It is easy to think that people won’t listen. But research shows they do. You can be the one to help keep the people you care about safe. Having real talks about substance use is an opportunity to provide real information and support. Nervous? Don’t be. Conversations about substance use are easier than you think.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

First, find the right time and place. Choose a comfortable setting with limited distractions where you can both open up, like while taking a walk together or getting coffee.

Next, keep it casual. You don’t need to have a lot of facts or figures ready. Simply take a moment to think about what you want to discuss before diving in.

Learning to listen is important, too. Showing interest in what someone has to say is a simple way to demonstrate that you care. Give them your undivided attention, acknowledge their feelings, and try to understand their perspective.

Most importantly, offer them support - not judgement. Pause before responding to what they say and think about how you can react with compassion. Instead of offering opinions, respond by asking a question about their experiences, their feelings, or what they need. Remind them that you’ll always be there for them and why you’re glad they are in your life.

Finally, stay connected. Helping a person doesn’t happen overnight. Continue reaching out with offers to listen. Invite them to activities. Encourage them to talk to a health care professional, spiritual advisor, or other friend or relative if they don’t want to talk with you.

Having real talks about substance use can make a positive difference in people’s lives - and in your community. Find more helpful information, including talk tips, support resources, and more at


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